(106) photos available in this category
Interior view of Campo das Princesas in Pernambuco 1875
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View of the São Francisco River looking obliquely from the city of Penedo below, 1875
by Admin
View of the Cavallete Pão d'Assuca hill on the São Francisco looking upstream 1875
by Admin
View of the interior of the city of Penedo looking directly towards the São Francisco River 1875
by Admin
View of a part of the city of Pernambuco taken from Recife 1875
by Admin
View of part of the interior of the Pernambuco reef showing details of its surface 1875
by Admin
View of the top of the Pernambuco Reef looking south 1875
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View of the dock on Snake Island excavated in solid gneiss showing the monolithic character of the same rock 1875
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Village d'Indiens Soumis Paçé 1867
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Villa de Piranhas looking down the river 1875
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View of Rio de Janeiro 1870
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Rio do Ouro TramwayView of the service train 1880
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Tonantins 1867
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Tarumá 1867
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Siege of Tapuyas 1867
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Palmeiras Street, Botanical Garden, Rio de Janeiro 1870
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Palm Trees Street in the Botanical Gardens, Rio 1870
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Empress Street in Pernambuco 1875
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Rua 1º de Marco, Rio de Janeiro 1870
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Rio de Janeiro 1870
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Recife de Pernambuco showing the steamer Pará of the national line inside the harbor and a foreign steamer in the anchorage outside 1875
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Count d'Eu Square in Pernambuco 1875
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Count d'Eu Square in Pernambuco 1875 (2)
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September 7th Bridge in Pernambuco 1875
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Perspective of Imperatriz Street seen from Conde d'Eu Square in Pernambuco 1875
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Part of the city of Pernambuco seen from the Malakoff Tower 1875
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Water Supply Works in Rio de Janeiro, General View of the Aqueduct, Bridge, Meeting and Area Boxes, etc. 1876
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Water Supply Works in Rio de Janeiro, D Pedro II Reservoir (Morro do Pedregulho), interior view of the reservoir under construction (1879)
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Water Supply Works in Rio de Janeiro, D Pedro II Reservoir (Morro do Pedregulho), General View (1882)
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Water Supply Works for Rio de Janeiro, Dam on the Santo Antonio River, and Water from the Nery Waterfall Canalized 1877
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Obras do Abastecimento d'Agua do Rio de Janeiro, Aqueducto do Rio de Sto Antonio Ponte Curva 1876
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Obras do Abastecimento d'Agua do Rio de Janeiro, Aqueducto do Rio de Sto Antonio Ponte Curva 1876
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O pico da Tijuca, e o Paço Imperial da São Christovao 1870
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O Pao de Assucar, na entrada da Bahia do Rio de Janeiro, tirado do Morro de Santa Thereza 1870
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O Morro da Gloria, Tirado do Passeio Publico, Rio 1870
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Muras 1867
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Muera Tinca 1867
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Metis 1867
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Metis 1867
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Malocca 1867
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Malocca 1867
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Ladario, Arsenal de marina 1884
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La Cuisine de la Malocca 1867
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Jardin Botanique 1860
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Indios Kadiweu 1884
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Indios Kadiweu 1884
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Indios Kadiweu 1884
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Indios Guatos 1884
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Igreja da Boa Vista em Pernambuco 1875
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Hutte d'Indiens 1867
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Group portrait of men 1876
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Fuerte Coimbra 1884
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Brum Fortress 1875
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Feitoria Pirrarucú 1867
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Study of part of the upper waterfall on the left side by Paulo Affonso 1875
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Study of the interior of the Pernambuco reef immediately in front of the city showing blocks that, having been undermined, fell in 1875
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Road to the port of Pernambuco seen from the Malakoff Tower 1875
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Railway station in Una 1875
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Railway station in Olinda 1875
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Estação central de comissão geológica em Pernambuco 1875
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Especie de Millepora das recifes coralleinos nas vizinhanças de Pernambuco 1875
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Millepora species from coral reefs in the vicinity of Pernambuco 1875
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Cuiaba, la playa, a la llegada del paquete 1884
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Cuiaba, la playa 1884
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Cuiaba, El mercado (rigor del invierno) 1884
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Cuiaba, desde el puerto 1884
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Cuiaba, Bueyes cargueros 1884
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Cuiaba 1884
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Cuiaba 1884
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Cuiaba 1884
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Cuiaba 1884
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Corumba 1884
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Corumba 1884
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Corte no terreno cretáceo, Olinda 1875
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Corte no terreno cretaceo Olinda 1875
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Corcovada do Largo dos Levés 1875
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Coastal View 1860
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Coari Novo 1867
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Cascata da Tijuca 1875
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Cascata da Princesa (Paulo Affonso) vista rio abaxio 1875
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Cascata da Princesa (Paulo Affonso) vista rio abaixo 1875
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Campo das Princezas em Pernambuco mostrando o theatro a assemblea provincial o gymnasio e palacio presidencial 1875
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Campo das Princesas em Pernambuco 1875
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Campo das Princesas as em Pernambuco 1875
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Campamento de Indios Kadiweu, Corumba 1884
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Camadas do terreno cretaceo fortemente inclinadas no morro do Chaves, perto de Propria no rio S Francisco 1875
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Camadas cretaceas na ponte da Nova Cruz Maria Farinha 1875
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Camadas cretaceas na ponta da Nova Cruz, Maria Farinha 1875
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Botafogo and Corcovado Mountain 1870
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Bloques de decomposição na ilha de Paquetá no Rio de Janeiro 1875
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Barróca riacho das Aguas Mortas 1875
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Barroca do riacho do Talhadaõ no lugar denominado os Mandins perto do Olho d'Agua 1875
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Mandis near Olho d'Agua showing a cave in the sandstone with stalactites and stalagmites
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Assembléa provincial em Pernambuco 1875
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Arsenal de marinha em Pernambuco 1875
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Antiga igreja de São Francisco em Pernambuco 1875
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Antiga fortaleza Hollandesa no cabo de Santo Agostinho 1875
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Amaúas 1867
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Abertura no recife de Pernambuco pouco ao sul da cidade e denominada Barreta das Jangadas 1875
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A valle do Andarahy visto de cima das alternas da Boa Vista 1875
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A praia du Icarahy 1870
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A Praça da Constituição, Rio de Janeiro 1870
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A cidade do Penedo vista do lado do oeste mostrando as camadas de grés cretáceo sobre as quaes a cidade acha se edifecada 1875
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A cañon do São Francisco vista estereoscopica 1875
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A cañon do São Francisco justamente abaixo das cachoeiras de Paulo Affonso 1875
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