Tagged photos (16)
Relief scenes on temple walls at Karnak 1859
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Overview of the site of Karnak, Thebes, Egypt 1860
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Interior view of a hypostyle hall 1859
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Interior view of a hypostyle hall 1859
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Hypostyle Hall, Karnak 1859
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Great Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Karnak 1860
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Great Court, Temple of Karnak 1860
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Colonade at Karnak 1859
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Bab el Amara Gate, Karnak 1859
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Bab el Amara Gate, Karnak 1859
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(Karnak) Victories of Seti I 1870
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(Karnak) Pylone, Statue of Thoutmes IV and Thoutmes II 1870
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(Karnak) Propylon du sud de Ptolomee Evergete 1870
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(Karnak) Gd Temple, salle hypostyle, interieur, colonne penchee 1870
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(Karnak) Detail d'une colonnne du Col Temple 1870
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(Karnak) Avenue des Beliers & Propylone du Ptolemee Evergete 1870
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